Thursday, 6 October 2011

Andrew Goodwin

After years of research Andrew Goodwin came up with codes and conventions for music videos. It involved a range of elements that music videos had in common.

1) Music Videos demonstrate certain genre characteristics.
For example - a metal rock band are more likely to show stage performances.
- boy/girl bands normally include dance routines.

2) There is often a relationship between lyrics and visuals
For example - 'Hero' by Enrique shows a clear relationship through the narrative when he slowly dies saying to the woman that he will always be her hero.

3) There is a relationship between music and visuals
For example - A music video we watched called 'Tonight Tonight' by Smashing pumpkins had very triumphant music as the were going on a mission.

4)The demands of the record label will include the need for lots of close ups of the artists
For example - We understand that its quite an important element to include close ups of the artist so that it doesn't just let us know who the singer is but also promote the music thereby giving the record label the money they want.

5) The artist may develop motifs or iconography that recur across their work

6)there is frequent reference to a notion of looking (screens within screens) and particularly voyeuristic treatment of female bodies
For example - a music video we watched in class 'She wolf' by Shakira includes shots mostly of her body. This doesn't just promote the music but also her self and her skill as a dancer.

7) there are often intertextual references-mostley to film,television and popular culture
For example - The film Star dust is included in a song by Westlife. Another good example which was looked at in class is Smashing pumpkins with its intertextual referencing to the 1902 story.

As well as Andrew Goodwins theory, we were also made aware of the different types of music video.
For example - Performance - tend to show the band or artist featuring lots of close ups.
Narrative- the music video has a story line
Concept- no storyline, just a random idea.
Not all music videos are just plainly one of these. They can show aspects of a mixture.

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