Tuesday, 1 November 2011

Results from my Questionnaire.

I have finally collected my results from my questionnaire.
I asked five males and ten females at random with an age range of 15-47. I then picked out five of the fifteen people I asked to take part in a further research study. This was thought about as I wanted a variety of different people who would share different opinions. I picked two out of the five who are media students themselves, an older male of 47 who is interested in music and a younger female of 15 who is also interested in music. My further research study included three questions from the original questionnaire to look at in more detail. They were asked to write about their answers and go into detail about why they said yes or no or what option they chose. Here are some of my results from my questionnaire.

Question four of my questionnaire was ' How often do you watch music videos?" (specify an approximate amount.) Out of the fifteen people I asked, most people stated that they watched music videos weekly. four out of these people said that they watched music videos everyday on youtube or on television. However I did discover three people rarely watching music videos saying that they watch them 'a few times a month.' This proves that music videos are a key way of accessing music and here proves that most people do watch them.

Question five of my questionnaire was 'Would a music video change your opinion of an artist?'
ten people out of the fifteen asked said that a music video wouldn't change their opinion on a music video. Looking at my further research study all four of them stated that it wouldn't affect their opinion.
one person says " I said no because most artists don't have a say in their videos therefore more videos aren't the artists ideas.'
The 47 year old male states, 'Its the music that is important to me. The video should compliment this. I like to see a pictorial interpretation of the songs/music meaning.'
Another interesting comment was 'I put no because I think you have to be open to an artists individuality and accept the way they want to present their song visually, although if was unnecessarily offensive I would change my opinion.'
the fifteen year old honestly stated, 'I don't really care about the music video, it doesn't change my opinion on the artist. for example if the artist was doing something considered to be 'rude' it would affect my opinion of the song.
These are all very valid points to consider and I feel that a music video is important in a persons opinion. Due to this result I want to make sure that in my music video gives off my own interpretation of the song and to make sure I don't include anything that may be seen as offensive to anyone watching.

Question six of my questionnaire was 'Would a music video determine whether you bought the song?' Only one person out of the fifteen people stated yes which is interesting to discover. This shows to me that despite a music video that may contain something offensive or rude, it wouldn't affect these people into buying the music. Looking at my further research study, again all four of them answered no to the question. However one stood out to be and stated, 'properly not but maybe.' She says, 'it probably wouldn't solely make me buy the song but if it moved me, I would watch it more and in turn probably end up liking the song more." so looking at it on the other hand a music video may impact positively on the audience and encourage someone to buy the song. Other comments found out in my research study were, "no because I may have liked the video but not the song." I like this comment because It suggests that this person actually enjoys watching the video even despite disliking the music.

Question eight of my questionnaire was 'Do you ever look at the CD cover of an artist.' This question would determine my decision to do a cover for my songs release as part of my digipak.
nine people says that they do look at the CD cover however comments were made such as "if the CD cover was ugly, I would still get it," suggesting that the music is the main selling point and from this persons point of view wouldn't have any affect to whether they would be more likely to buy it or not. It was still interesting to see that six out of fifteen said that they didn't even look at a CD cover. Whether that was because there is easier access to illegal download now, so there is no need to buy them in shops therefore they don't look at the CD cover anyway or whether it was purely because It didn't affect there opinion on the song so there is no need to pay attention to the CD cover. As more people decided on the fact that they do look at CD covers this will be something I plan on creating as part of my promotion package.

Question nine of my questionnaire was " what would be most likely to persuade you into buying music?" (circle the appropriate) .Poster .Album cover .Advertisement. I found out that more people thought that the advertisement would persuade them into buying music. I believe this is because the internet is a huge part of every day life therefore advertisements are most likely to be noticed or heard. the 15 year old female supports this belief and states "I chose radio advertisements because i don't look at posters or look at CD covers. I'm constantly surrounded by the internet and radio therefore print advertisements are as readily available to me." Another comment stated was that it gives a 'better view rather than just a visual shot." I agreed with this comment in that you get to hear or see action and helps you paint a picture of an opinion more easily than just a still shot of something. Another interesting point made in my further research was the idea that 'radio adverts will play the artists music,' implying that its important to be able to hear the music as its being promoted to encourage you to buy it.
Only one male out of the fifteen people chose a poster as the thing that would most persuade him into buying music. I found it interesting that just one person chose this at it proves that posters aren't as commonly looked at. This has determined my two promotion packages and means that I won't be using any form of poster style to advertise my song.

Finally, Question ten in my questionnaire was, 'Would you prefer a music video with a storyline, a random idea or a performance?' Every person minus two chose a story line which fortunately for me means that this is a definite idea that I will be using in order to present my music video. It also links to a previous comment in that a music video is there to portray meaning which is what I would like to give off in my music video. The two others chose a random idea which is interesting however I have decided not to take notice to this due to my strong opinion. I want my music video to have a story line to it as this is what I look for in a music video. Not only this but a random idea would be difficult as I'd want it to include lots of special effects and its very time consuming with the small amount of time given.

My questionnaire has enabled me to come to final decisions one what my music video is going to be like. For example, It will definitely be a narrative based idea. My promotion packages will be a CD Cover due to the majority of people saying that they do look at the cover and an advertisement as this is what most people said would persuade them to buy the music.

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